Beef in Designer Beer

2 hours 30 minutes
to cook

In the 1960s, every other restaurant was a bistro and every other bistro served carbonnade de boeuf à la flamande, a traditional Flemish recipe that translates as beef in beer.

But, like other once-hackneyed 1960s' recipes, I think it's now been neglected and there's a whole new generation now who probably haven't yet tasted it. For them, here is the latest version, the only difference being that we now have a vast range of beers with smart labels to choose from. Not sure which one to use? Do what I do and go for the prettiest label!

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to prepare garlic in our video. Just click here to play.

A picture of Delia's Winter Collection

This recipe is from Delia's Winter Collection. Serves 4-6

  • method
  • Ingredients


You can make the croutons well ahead of time and, to do this, pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4, 350°F (180°C).

Drizzle the olive oil on to the baking sheet, add the crushed garlic, then, using either your hands or a piece of kitchen paper, spread the oil and garlic all over the baking sheet. Now place the bread slices on top of the oil, then turn them over so that both sides have been lightly coated with the oil. Bake for 20-25 minutes till crisp and crunchy.

When you're ready to cook the beef, lower the oven temperature to gas mark 2, 300°F (150°C).

Take the flameproof casserole, place it over direct heat, then heat the oil until sizzling hot and fry the meat, 3 or 4 pieces at a time, until they turn a dark mahogany colour on all sides. Make sure you don't overcrowd the pan or they will create steam and never become brown. As you brown the meat remove it to a plate then, when all the meat is ready, add the onions to the pan, still keeping the heat high. Toss them around until they become darkly tinged at the edges – this will take about 5 minutes. After that add the crushed garlic, let that cook for about 30 seconds or so, then turn the heat down, return the meat to the casserole and sprinkle in the flour. Using a wooden spoon, stir until all the flour has been absorbed into the juices.

It will look rather stodgy and unpromising at this stage but not to worry – the long slow cooking will transform its appearance. Now gradually stir in the beer and, when it's all in, let the whole thing gently come up to simmering point, and while that's happening add salt, freshly milled black pepper and the thyme and bay leaves. Then, just as it begins to bubble, put the lid on, transfer it to the centre shelf of the oven and leave it there for 2½ hours. Don't be tempted to taste it now or halfway through the cooking as it does take 2½ hours for the beer to mellow and become a luscious sauce.

Just before you want to serve the beef, pre-heat the grill, spread the croutons with the mustard and sprinkle them with the grated Gruyère, then arrange them on top of the meat and pop the casserole under the grill until the cheese is bubbling.

Then serve straight away.


You will also need a large, solid baking sheet and a large, wide, flameproof casserole.

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