Liver Casserole

1 hour 30 minutes
to cook

This is a recipe for summer when English lambs’ liver is plentiful.

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Serves 6

  • method
  • Ingredients


Begin by drying the liver slices with kitchen paper, then lightly coat the pieces in the seasoned flour.

Next heat the butter and oil together in a frying pan and soften the sliced onion in it over a low heat for about 10 minutes. Now arrange half the floured liver slices in the base of a deep ovenproof casserole and cover with a layer of onion, carrots and scraped new potatoes, followed by half the sliced tomatoes. Then repeat all over again, finishing up with a layer of tomatoes. Combine the stock, oregano and tomato puree together in a jug, season, pour this into the casserole, cover closely and bake for about 11/2 hours, or until the vegetables are tender.

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