Mini Tarts with 3 Toppings

18 minutes
to cook

These are so easy and quick to make once you’ve assembled all the filling ingredients.

They can be made ahead and warmed through in a hot oven for 3-4 minutes, or cooked and frozen, then reheated at 200C. Gas mark 6 for 6–7 minutes.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to prepare and chop onions in our video. Just press the recipe image to play

A picture of Delia's Happy Christmas

This recipe is from Delia's Happy Christmas. Makes 12 of each. Scroll to the bottom of the Method to see questions Lindsey has answered about this recipe

  • method
  • Ingredients


For Tomato, Mustard and Thyme Tarts: Begin by rolling out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to an oblong measuring about 23 x 18cm.

Then cut out 12 x 4.5cm fluted rounds and arrange them slightly apart on the baking tray, then prick each one twice with a fork. Now spread half a teaspoon of the mustard on each round and place a slice of tomato on top, then dip the thyme sprigs in olive oil and place one on each canapé. Finally season a little and bake on a high shelf for 18 minutes, until puffed and golden. Serve warm from the oven or just heated through.

For Goat's Cheese, Red Onion, Olive and Thyme Tarts: (This would work with any cheese Mozarella or Gruyere would both be good)  Begin by rolling out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to an oblong measuring about 23 x 18cm. Then cut out 12 x 4.5cm fluted rounds and arrange them slightly apart on the baking tray, then prick each one twice with a fork. Cut the sliced goat’s cheese into 2.5cm squares and place one of these on top of each pastry disc. Toss the onion in olive oil and sprinkle a little on top of each square of cheese, followed by half an olive. Then dip the thyme sprigs in olive oil and press these on top. Finally season a little and bake on a high shelf for 18 minutes, until puffed and golden. Serve warm from the oven or just heated through. 

For Parmesan, Smoked Pancetta and Sage Tarts: (The smoky flavour of pancetta is best of all here, but thinly sliced smoked streaky bacon or Parma ham are also good) Begin by rolling out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to an oblong measuring about 23 x 18cm. Then cut out 12 x 4.5cm fluted rounds and arrange them slightly apart on the baking tray, then prick each one twice with a fork. Now put 1⁄2 teaspoon of Parmesan onto each one then spread it out to the edge. Follow that with a piece of smoked pancetta, then dip the sage leaves in olive oil and they go on next. Finally, season a little and bake on a high shelf for 18 minutes, until puffed and golden. Serve warm from the oven or just heated through.


To make 12 Tomato, Mustard and Thyme Tarts:
To make 12 Goat's Cheese, Red Onion, Olive and Thyme Tarts
To make 12 Parmesan, Smoked Pancetta and Sage Tarts:
100g butter puff pastry (ready-rolled if you like)
2 slices of smoked pancetta, each divided into 6 pieces
a little olive oil


Preheat the oven to 200C. Gas mark 6

Using a fan-assisted oven? Click here


You will need a 4.5cm fluted cutter and a medium baking tray, lightly greased or a Delia Online Baking Sheet with a Liner

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