

This rather exotic title simply means 'bean purée' – but a rather special one, made with chickpeas, chillies, fresh lime juice and coriander.

It has a crunchy texture and is lovely for a first course or light lunch with some toasted bread and a salad.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to prepare peppers and chillies in our video here.

A picture of Delia's Summer Collection

This recipe is from Delia's Summer Collection. Serves 4-6

  • method
  • Ingredients


Begin by draining the soaked chickpeas and place them in a saucepan with enough cold water to cover.

Bring them up to simmering point, put a lid on and simmer gently for about 45 minutes or until the chickpeas are tender when tested with a skewer. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a small frying pan and gently sauté the onion for 5 minutes, then add the garlic and cook for another 5 minutes. The spring onions should now be trimmed and chopped small and the chilli should be split, de-seeded under a cold running tap and also chopped small. You can watch how to prepare chillies here. Don't forget to wash your hands straight away!

When the chickpeas are ready, drain them in a sieve set over a bowl, then transfer them to a food processor along with some salt, the sautéed onion and garlic and any oil left in the pan. Now add the lime juice and blend until you have a smoothish purée – if it's too stiff add a couple of tablespoons of the cooking liquid from the chickpeas. What you need is a soft purée, like hummus in texture.

Now empty the contents of the processor into a bowl and add the tomato, chilli, spring onions, Tabasco, coriander and 2 tablespoons of soured cream or fromage frais. Taste to check the seasoning and add a few more drops of Tabasco if it needs a little more kick.

Cover the bowl and chill till needed.

Serve garnished with black olives and some flat-leaf parsley.

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