Quiche Lorraine

For years I've been experimenting with this type of recipe to elminate, for ever, the problem of the soggy pastry base that seems to plague so many people, myself included.  

I will stress that the container must be metal, not porcelain or glass. 

The Delia Online Cookery School: You can now watch how to make perfect Quiche Lorraine in our video for Quiches and Tarts, just click the recipe image to play.

This recipe is part of the Delia Online Cookery School Serves 6 as a starter or 4 as a main course

  • method
  • Ingredients


Begin by making the pastry as described in shortcrust pastry here and below.

Then leave it to rest in a polythene bag in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, before you roll it out as described in the video to 28cm in diameter, then carefully roll the pastry round the rolling pin and transfer it to the centre of the tin. Now, using your hands, gently press the pastry into the tin to line the base and sides making sure you ease the pastry into the corners and press it against the sides then trim off any excess pastry around the top edge with a sharp knife.

After that use your fingers again to press the sides all round to the pastry so it is slightly proud of the tin. All you now need to do is prick the base all over with a fork, as this will release any trapped air, which is what causes the centre to rise up. Then pop it in the freezer to chill for 30 minutes.

Pre-heat the oven to 190°C gas mark 5 with the baking sheet on the shelf nearest the centre.

Once the pastry case is frozen put it on a flat surface. Place the piece of foil over it, then press it down over the base and up the sides of the pastry. Turn the edge of foil inwards and crumple it against the sides to create a support that will hold the pastry in place whilst it cooks. Put the pastry case onto the pre-heated tray in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Then remove the pastry case from the oven and ease the sides of the foil inwards and carefully lift it away from the pastry case (you can reserve this foil liner to use another time). Brush the base and sides all over with beaten egg (use a little from the filling), which will provide a sort of moisture proof coating so that the pastry stays beautifully crisp even after the filling has gone in. Now return the pastry case to the oven for 8 minutes.

Meanwhile in a large jug or bowl whisk together the eggs, yolk and cream with a little salt and some freshly milled black pepper. Remove the cooked pastry case from the oven and reduce the oven temperature to 180°C, gas mark 4, then fill the pastry case by layering up the Gruyere cheese (reserving a rounded tablespoon for the top) and bacon. Next pour the egg mixture all over the bacon and cheese filling and sprinkle the surface with the reserved cheese. Carefully put the quiche back into the oven with the baking tray and bake for 35 minutes or until the surface is golden brown and the filling has set. Which you can test with your little finger, if its not set it will still feel liquid.

Leave to rest in the tin for at least 10 minutes then place the quiche on an upturned bowl and gently slide the tin downwards. Then use a palette knife gently to slide the quiche from the base onto a serving dish or cooling rack.


When you chill the pastry

Pre-heat the oven to 190°C gas mark 5 with the baking sheet on the shelf nearest the centre.

Using a fan-assisted oven? Click here


You will need A Delia Online Sponge Tin with Loose Base 18cm by 4.5cm (or similar) and a baking sheet. 

A piece of strong foil measuring about 40cm square

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