Irish Coffee Pudding

If you're having a dinner party and want to serve a lighter alternative to something rich, then this is a good bet.

You can, of course, use Scotch whisky or brandy instead of Irish whiskey. What you finish up with is in fact an old-fashioned honeycomb mould which separates into layers as it sets.

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This recipe is from Delia Smith's Christmas Serves 4-6

  • method
  • Ingredients


First measure out 8 fl oz (225 ml) boiling water into a small saucepan, then stir in the coffee and place the pan on a gentle heat until the infusion starts to bubble around the edge of the pan.

Remove from the heat and leave the coffee to infuse for 15 minutes. After that pour it into a fine coffee filter set over a coffee pot and leave it to drip through.

While that's happening, heat the milk to just below boiling point and remove from the heat. Next separate the eggs, putting the yolks into a heatproof bowl and the whites into a large mixing bowl. Add the gelatine, sugar and cream to the egg yolks and whisk together very thoroughly. Now pour in the hot milk, whisking the mixture as you pour. Position the bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water and cook the custard, stirring often, for 25-30 minutes until it is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. You can also watch how Delia makes custard in our Cookry School Video on this page

Remove the bowl from over the water, stir in the whiskey and strained coffee, and leave until it is barely warm. Whisk the egg whites till stiff, then stir them into the coffee-flavoured custard. Now pour everything into a 21/2 pint (1.5 litre) mould, cover and chill for about 8 hours in the fridge. To serve, loosen the soft top layer from the side of the mould, then invert on to a serving dish. Serve with chilled pouring cream and some Coffee and Hazelnut Macaroons (see the recipe, below).


You will also need a 21/2 pint (1.5 litre) mould.

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