Coffee and Hazelnut Macaroons

30 minutes - 35 minutes
to cook

You can also make very tiny biscuits and serve them in cases as petits fours. 

If you leave out the coffee, these crunchy little hazelnut biscuits are excellent for serving with ice creams and jellies. They also freeze well, so it's useful to have a little stock of them.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch more biscuit recipes being made in our video. Just click the recipe image to play.

A picture of The Delia Collection: Baking

This recipe is from The Delia Collection: Baking. Makes about 30

  • method
  • Ingredients


First the nuts need to be ground to a coarse meal consistency: this can be done in a food processor using the 'pulse' action – but do be careful because one pulse too many and they become very oily.

Alternatively you can use a small-handled nut grinder. Put the ground nuts in a mixing bowl together with the sugar and ground rice, and mix them well together. Then stir in the unbeaten egg whites and the coffee powder and continue to mix to a stiffish paste. Now line two baking sheets with the rice paper and put teaspoonfuls of the biscuit mixture on them, leaving room in between them for expansion during the cooking. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes or until they are crisp on top.

Leave to cool completely before lifting the biscuits from the baking sheet, and store in an airtight tin until needed.


Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 2, 300°F (150°C).

Using a fan-assisted oven? Click here


You will also need 2 Delia Online Baking Sheets and some edible rice paper.

The Delia Online bakeware range is now available online, and you can buy our Delia Online Baking Sheet direct from Silverwood.

Click here for the baking sheet

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