Michael's Chunky Sauté Potatoes in Turkey Dripping

This is a once-a-year special treat for us: Michael’s crisp, crunchy sauté potatoes.

The secret, he says, is cooking them in one layer – and they are absolutely scrummy with slices of cold bacon (or gammon) and turkey, and dipped into chutney. Serve with pickles.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make Perfect Roast Potatoes in our video. Press the recipe image to play.

A picture of Delia's Happy Christmas

This recipe is from Delia's Happy Christmas. Serves 4–6

  • method
  • Ingredients


Peel the potatoes to start with and, if any of them are particularly big, slice them in half.

Now par-boil them in salted water for 8–10 minutes before draining them and cutting them into ½-in (1-cm) chunks or slices. Next, divide the dripping equally between the 2 frying pans and heat till smoking hot, then add the chunks or slices of potato in one layer. Turn the heat down to medium and cook them for about 10 minutes on one side, then flip them over, one by one, and cook for approximately the same time. They should be golden and crispy on the outside and soft in the centre.

Remove to some kitchen paper, to get rid of any excess fat, and then to the serving dish, lined with crumpled baking parchment. Sprinkle them with sea salt before you send them to the table.


2 tablespoons turkey dripping


You will also need two medium, solid frying pans, and a warmed serving dish.

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