Rich Fruit Scones

12 minutes - 15 minutes
to cook

These don’t need clotted cream and preserves – just serve them fresh and warm from the oven with a serious amount of really good butter.

The Delia Online Cookery School: You can watch how to make this recipe in our video, just click the image to play.

A picture of Delia's Cakes

This recipe is from Delia's Cakes. Makes about 8. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see questions Lindsey has answered on this recpe

  • method
  • Ingredients


First sift the flour into a bowl then add the sugar and rub the butter into the dry ingredients until the mixture looks crumbly.

Now sprinkle in the dried fruit, pour in the beaten egg and add 3 tablespoons of milk. Start to mix to a dough with a knife, then bring the mixture together using your hands – it should be a soft but not a sticky dough, so add more milk (a teaspoon at a time) if the dough seems too dry.  Form the dough into a ball and turn it out onto a lightly floured working surface.

Now, with a floured rolling pin, roll it out very lightly to a thickness of about 3cm. (This thickness is vital. The reason scones don’t rise enough is because they are rolled too thin.) Then take the pastry cutter and tap it sharply so that it goes straight through the dough – do not twist or the scones will turn out a strange shape!

When you have cut as many as you can, knead the remaining dough together again and repeat. Then place the scones on the baking sheet, dust each one with flour and bake near the top of the oven for 12–15 minutes. When they’re done they will have risen and turned a golden brown. Remove them to a cooling tray and serve very fresh, split and spread with butter.


Pre-heat the oven to 220°C, gas mark 7

Using a fan-assisted oven? Click here


You will need a Delia Online Baking Sheet or similar, with a non-stick liner and a 5cm plain (or fluted) cutter

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