
20 minutes - 25 minutes
to cook

Just over the border of Italy, in the south of France, they have their own version of Pizza - Pissaladiere.

This too is perfect for eating outdoors, perhaps cut into smallish portions for serving with pre-barbecue drinks (some chilled Provencal rose would be the perfect match).

The Delia Online Cookery School: You can watch how to make this recipe in our video, just click the image to play.

This recipe is adapted from Delia Smith’s Complete Illustrated Cookery Course

  • method
  • Ingredients


Begin by measuring the flour and salt into a bowl then stir in the yeast, herbs and freshly milled black pepper.

Make a well in the centre of the mixture, then add the hand-hot water. Now mix to a dough, starting off with a spatula and using your hands in the final stages of mixing, adding a spot more water if there are any dry bits. Continue to mix and press the dough in the bowl until it is evenly mixed (it will feel little sticky but that’s fine) then put the bowl of dough into a large polythene bag and close it with a clip and leave to rise for 30 minutes. Meanwhile make the filling first by heating the oil in a large shallow pan.

Stir in the onions, crushed garlic and herbs, then cook them over a medium to high heat (uncovered) for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the onions are golden brown. Then take the pan from the heat and taste and season with very little salt and some freshly milled pepper.

Next turn the dough on to a floured surface and knead it for about a minute, then roll out roughly to an oblong shape 20cm by 30cm.  Place it in the oiled tin, pushing it up the sides and into the corners with your fingers. Then brush the dough with a tablespoon of olive oil and pop it into a polythene bag, and leave at room temperature for 45 minutes to one hour to rise. Pre-heat the oven to 220°C, gas mark 7.

Then drain the tin of anchovies and reserve 1 tablespoon of the oil and slice the fillets in half lengthways. Now remove the bag and spread the cooked onion filling over the base and arrange the anchovies in a diamond shaped pattern (like lattice work) all over the onion filling, and stud each diamond with a halved, pitted olive. Sprinkle with the herbs and drizzle the reserved anchovy oil all over.

Bake on a high shelf of the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve cut in squares, hot from the oven or its still good served cold, either way it’s great with a salad.


For the base:
¾ teaspoon fine salt
1 teaspoon herbs de Provence
150ml hand-hot water
For the filling:
For the topping:


You will need a Delia Online Swiss Roll Tin, 20cm by 30cm (or similar), brushed with olive oil and a large polythene bag.

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