Veal Milanese

There is a little trattoria that Michael and I go to in Waterloo called La Barca and whenever I go, I always have this dish, served with a portion of Spaghetti with Ragù.

I absolutely love this combination with the veal drenched in lemon juice. Otherwise, sautéed potatoes and a green salad which includes rocket would be good.

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A picture of The Delia Collection: Italian

This recipe is from The Delia Collection: Italian. Serves 6

  • method
  • Ingredients


You need to start by making the veal escalopes a little thinner by beating the pieces of meat.

So, place them between two large pieces of clingfilm and gently pound them, using a rolling pin, but be careful not to break the meat – it just needs to be stretched a little. Next, break the eggs into a shallow dish and lightly beat them together with some salt and freshly milled black pepper. Tip the breadcrumbs on to a large plate and put the flour, seasoned with salt and freshly milled black pepper, on to another plate.

Then dip each escalope, first into the flour, then the beaten egg and then into the breadcrumbs, shaking off the excess breadcrumbs as you go, and transferring the escalopes to another clean plate.

Now heat half the butter and oil in the frying pan and, when sizzling hot, add 3 escalopes to the pan. Cook them for 3-4 minutes on each side or till crisp and golden brown. Then drain on kitchen paper, and keep warm in a low oven while you cook the other escalopes in the rest of the butter and oil. 

Sprinkle with salt before serving with the lemons to squeeze over.


6 veal escalopes (about 3-4 oz/75-110 g each); alternatively, use pork or turkey
8 oz (225 g) white breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons olive oil


You will also need a large, 10 inch (25.5 cm) frying pan.

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