Thai Chicken with Lime and Coconut

5 minutes - 6 minutes
to cook

It’s hard to credit that a recipe as simple and as quick as this could taste so good, but I can assure you it’s an absolute winner - even if you don’t have time for the marinade.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to zest and juice citrus fruits in our video. Press here to play.

A picture of Delia's Complete How to Cook

This recipe is from Delia's Complete How to Cook. Serves 2

  • method
  • Ingredients


First of all, cut any larger pieces of chicken in half so that they are bite size, and place them in a bowl with the lime juice and zest.

Stir well and leave them to marinate for at least an hour but longer if you have time. About half an hour before you want to eat, tip the rice into the small frying pan and place it over a medium heat. Add 300ml boiling water, along with the salt, stir once only, then cover with the lid. Turn the heat to its very lowest setting and let the rice cook gently for exactly 10 minutes. Watch Delia's method for cooking perfect rice in our Cookery School Video on this page.

Then tilt the pan to check that no liquid is left; if there is, pop it back on the heat for another minute. When there is no water left in the pan, take the pan off the heat, remove the lid and cover with a clean tea cloth for 10 minutes before serving.

Meanwhile, drain the chicken in a sieve, reserving the marinade, then heat the oil in the sauté pan or a wok over a high heat, add the chicken pieces and stir-fry for 3 minutes, until they’re golden. Then add the chilli, stir-fry for 1 more minute, and add the lime marinade, coconut cream, fish sauce and half the coriander and spring onions. Cook for another 1–2 minutes, then serve spooned over the rice with the remaining coriander and spring onions sprinkled over.

Nutrition 722kcals/69.6g carbohydrate/4.2g sugars/24.3g fat/15.7g saturated fat/1.5g salt per serving

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