Salmon with a Saffron Couscous Crust and Tomato and Olive Vinaigrette

15 minutes - 20 minutes
to cook

This is unusual but works like a dream and is very simple to prepare.

The couscous crust encases the salmon and keeps all the fragrant juices inside intact. Served with perhaps some fresh shelled peas, it makes a perfect main course for summer entertaining.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make vinaigrette in our video. Just press the recipe image to play.

A picture of The Delia Collection: Fish

This recipe is from The Delia Collection: Fish. Serves 4

  • method
  • Ingredients


First of all prepare the couscous – which is dead simple.

All you do is place it in a bowl, then heat up the wine till just at simmering point, whisk the saffron into it along with some salt and pepper, and pour the whole lot over the couscous grains. Then leave the couscous on one side until it has absorbed all the liquid.

After this fluff it by making cutting movements across and through it with a knife. Now take each salmon fillet, season with salt and pepper, and dip it first into beaten egg, then sit it on top of the couscous and, using your hands, coat it on all sides, pressing the couscous evenly all round (it works in just the same way as breadcrumbs). Now place the coated fillets on the baking sheet and if you want, cover with clingfilm and keep refrigerated until they're needed.

To make the vinaigrette, crush the garlic with 1 level teaspoon of sea salt, using a pestle and mortar, then add the mustard, vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil and a good seasoning of black pepper, and whisk thoroughly. About half an hour before serving add the tomatoes, olives and chopped chervil or flat-leaf parsley (Watch how to make vinaigrette in our Cookery School Video, just click the image to play). When you are ready to cook the salmon fillets, pop them into the pre-heated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or a little longer if the fish is very thick. 

Serve each one in a pool of Tomato and Olive Vinaigrette, and hand the rest of the vinaigrette separately.

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