Grilled Venison Steaks with Red Onion, Grape and Raisin Confit

45 minutes - 1 hour
to cook

Venison steaks are very lean and tender and, so, perfect for a low-fat supper dish.

A confit to serve with them is, I think, far nicer than a sauce containing lots of cream and butter. Having made the confit once, you might want to serve it again with other meats, such as lean gammon steaks or low-fat, very meaty sausages.

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This recipe is from Delia's Complete How to Cook. Serves 4

  • method
  • Ingredients


Begin by making the confit. You can make it at any time – even the day before.

What you do is put all the ingredients together in a medium-sized saucepan, bring everything up to a very gentle simmer, then let it cook as gently as possible, without the lid, for 45-60 minutes – you'll need to give it a gentle stir from time to time – until all the liquid has reduced to a lovely sticky glaze. When you are ready to cook the steaks, season them with freshly milled black pepper. Then pre-heat the grill to its highest setting for about 10 minutes.

Brush the steaks lightly on both sides with the oil and grill them for about 4 minutes on each side if you like them medium-rare, otherwise for a little longer. Meanwhile, gently re-heat the confit. Serve the venison on warmed plates with the confit and a crisp salad.

PER SERVING: 312 kcal, Fat: 4.1 g; Saturates: 1.5 g; Protein: 34.5 g; Carbohydrate: 24 g.

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