Carrot and Tarragon Soup

25 minutes
to cook

This is a delicious, summery soup, but it can be made in the winter with two finely chopped leeks instead of the lettuce leaves.

Don't be tempted to use stock, as this detracts from the fresh flavour of the carrots.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Make your own crusty bread to serve! You can watch our video for how to make White Bread here

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This recipe is from Delia's Complete Cookery Course. Serves 4-6

  • method
  • Ingredients


First wash and scrape the carrots and slice them thinly, then chop the onion and lettuce fairly small.

In a heavy-based saucepan gently melt the butter and soften the onion in it for a minute or two, then add the carrots and lettuce, stirring to get a good coating of butter. Now put a lid on and let the vegetables gently sweat for 10 minutes. Next, strip the leaves from the tarragon, pop them in, then add 1½ pints (850 ml) boiling water, the sugar and a seasoning of salt and pepper. When it returns to simmering point, put a lid on and simmer very gently for 25 minutes.

Now either liquidise or sieve the soup, taste to check the seasoning and reheat gently, stirring in the cream just before serving.

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