Christmas Vegetarian Cooks' Questions

Q: I need something wonderful for Christmas lunch starter and main course for my vegetarian new son-in-law. The rest of us will be having turkey so not too complicated please!

To save doing a separate starter, you could all have a vegetarian starter, such as Delia's Wild Mushroom and Walnut Soup followed by Cheese and Parsnip Roulade with Sage and Onion Stuffing which can also double up as a vegetable side dish. Also, type 'vegetarian' into the recipe search and you should be given more suggestions, or click here for our Christmas Vegetarian Recipes

Q: I am cooking Christmas dinner for 4 people this year, 2 of whom are vegetarian. I would like to make turkey with all the trimmings, but what would you suggest as a vegetarian option?

Type 'vegetarian' into the recipe search and you will be given lots of suggestions. We hope you find something suitable.

Q: I have my family and my boyfriend coming to visit for Christmas. My family enjoy a traditional Christmas turkey, but my boyfriend is vegetarian. Is there something I can prepare for him to eat?

We recommend you try Delia's recipe for Cheese and Parsnip Roulade with Sage and Onion Stuffing. For further vegetable accompaniments type sdee our Christmas Vegetables Recipes.

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