Pasta recipes

Pasta recipes

Watch Delia’s video showing you how to make perfect pasta, and what to look for when you buy it.

Pasta has become a standard British staple, no great surprise when you think of how versatile it is.  First things first though, Delia recommends you always look for the words.... Read more

...'pasta di semola di grano duro', when you buy pasta, she explains why, and the difference in the types of pasta in her Cookery School Study Notes here.  Pasta is so popular it was featured in our Cookery School and as well as the basics of how to cook perfect pasta, you can watch some of the recipes in this collection being made, including Trofie Pasta Liguria, Pasta alla Carbonara, Ragu Bolognese, Lasagne al Forno, Baked Macaroni Pie and Spaghetti Bolognese.

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