Spiced Roast Parsnip Chunks with Coriander Chutney

30 minutes
to cook

‘Never dig parsnips until there’s been a good hard ground frost.’

That emphatic statement was instilled in me as a child by my grandfather and I now know he was right. Frost quite definitely sharpens up all the lovely fragrance and flavour of parsnips. During the long winter months – when little else but stored roots are available on the kitchen garden front – what we need is lots of variety in the way we cook them. Soup is an obvious one, and adding curry flavour always complements the sweetness of the parsnips. This one’s a winner, too, adopting the same idea – lovely to serve as a starter preceding a curry or alongside it as an accompaniment.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Make sure your spices are at their best, watch our video showing how to buy and store spices, just click the recipe image to play.

This recipe first appeared in Sainsbury’s Magazine (Nov 2002). Serves 2-3 as a snack or accompaniment

  • method
  • Ingredients


Begin by making the chutney by simply whizzing everything together in a blender, then pour into a bowl and leave aside for the flavours to develop.

Now cut the parsnips into 5 cm (2 in) lengths that are about 2 cm (¾ in) at the thickest end. Then place the garlic with half a teaspoon of salt in a mortar and crush them together. As the garlic comes into contact with the salt, it will quickly break down into a puree. Then add the cumin and coriander seeds and crush those too, but not too finely.

Now add the curry paste and the oil and give everything a good whisk together. Next, put the parsnips into a medium mixing bowl and add the spice paste, tossing everything together to give the parsnips a good coating. Now tip the parsnips on to the baking tray, spread them out and bake on the centre shelf of the oven for 30 minutes. Serve them hot, dipping each one into the chutney before eating.

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