Celeriac and Lancashire Cheese Bread

45 minutes - 50 minutes
to cook

This is yet another favourite and blissfully easy bread, which is crunchy and crusty on the outside and soft and squidgy within.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make other breads including Potato Bread with Goats’ Cheese in our Speciality Breads video. Just click the recipe image to play

A picture of Delia's Vegetarian Collection

This recipe is from Delia's Vegetarian Collection. Makes 1 loaf (serves 4-6)

  • method
  • Ingredients


All you do is sift the flour into a large mixing bowl, add the spring onions, two-thirds of the crumbled cheese, the cayenne pepper and the salt.

Then, using the coarse side of a grater, grate in the celeriac as well. Now give everything a really good mix. Beat the egg and milk together and, using palette knife to mix, gradually add it all to the mixture until you have a loose, rough dough.

Now transfer it to the baking tray and, still keeping the rough texture, shape it into a round with your hands. Next, lightly press the rest of the cheese over the surface, sprinkle with a little flour and bake the bread on the middle shelf of the oven for 45-50 minutes, or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack and eat as fresh as possible.

This is lovely served still warm, and if you have any left over, it's really good toasted.

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