Good Old Shepherd's Pie

35 minutes - 40 minutes
to cook

You won’t believe this one until you try it - nothing short of sensational, I would say.

Everybody loves shepherd’s pie, but few have the time to make it… until now!

NOTE: This recipe is from the book Delia's How to Cheat at Cooking, which was published in 2008; therefore you may have difficulty finding the exact named shop ingredients that were available then.  We have kept these recipes on the site, as we know many people have successfully adapted them to what is currently available.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make Perfect Mashed Potatoes. Press the image to play.

A picture of Delia's How to Cheat at Cooking

This recipe is from Delia's How to Cheat at Cooking. Serves 4

  • method
  • Ingredients


Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 6, 200°C.

Start by heating the oil in a largish frying-pan till very hot, add the onion, carrot and swede and cook them for about 5 minutes, keeping the heat high, to colour a bit at the edges, stirring them around. After that, combine the vegetables with the minced lamb, thyme, cinnamon and some seasoning and transfer the whole lot to an 18cm square baking dish (or similar).

Next, arrange the potato discs on top, slightly overlapping. The leeks should be cut vertically to halfway down and fanned out under cold, running water to remove any dirt, then sliced through to the bottom, then across very finely. Sprinkle the leeks all over the potato and follow that with the grated Cheddar.

Then put it into the oven for 35-40 minutes, till the top is crusty and golden.Let it settle for about 10 minutes before serving – a bag of ready-shredded spring greens would go down a treat with this. Note: for cottage pie, a 400g tin of M&S minced beef is every bit as good. If you use ready-prepared swede and carrot from elsewhere, it may be in larger chunks, which need to be chopped a bit smaller in the mini-chopper.


400g tin minced lamb (M&S) - see intro
175g ready-prepared diced mixed carrot and swede (Tesco) see intro
1 dessertspoon olive oil
For the topping
about 16 discs Aunt Bessie’s Homestyle frozen mashed potato - see intro

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