Delia's Quick Mayonnaise

Home-made mayonnaise is sublime, but you don't always have much time. So here is Delia's quick mayo for a speedy solution!

For a quick (though not so thick) version of Delia's mayonnaise (see How To Make Mayonnaise), she says, 'Place 2 whole eggs in a food processor or liquidiser.

Then add 1 crushed garlic clove (optional) and a heaped teaspoon of dry English mustard powder, which helps to achieve the emulsion that gives mayonnaise its smooth, silky texture, as well as providing flavour. Season with a level teaspoon of salt and a few twists of freshly milled pepper, and mix well together.

Then with the processor switched on, pour in 10 fl oz (275 ml) groundnut oil in a steady stream. (Strong flavoured oils are not advisable as they will make the mayonnaise too harsh, but if you want a slightly stronger taste you can include a little olive oil in the amount.)

Add about a teaspoon of white wine vinegar to thin the mixture down (never use malt vinegar as it is too harsh). Taste and season with salt and freshly milled black pepper and, if it needs it, a little more vinegar. The amount can never be exact because it depends on your own taste and how much acidity you require.

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