Storing individual Christmas puddings and buying dried fruits
Asked on 7 Oct 2016 by susan kay
Hello Lindsey, I always make Delia's traditional Christmas pudding each year in a 2 pint basin. This year I intend to divide the mixture into tiny basins (mine measure 170ml of water weighed in the basin) my problem is , the basins are aluminium, will they be ok? (As they are aluminium)
One more question:-- where is the BEST place to buy the ingredients, dried fruits etc?
When the puddings are cooked and cooled completely I would turn them out, wrap them in parchment and then foil. Then store them in a cool, dark place.
Then on the day (or day before) I would put them back into freshly buttered basins, cover and steam for 1 hour before you want to serve them
We buy our dried fruits from here…
Kind regards