Help with Walnut Shortbread
Asked on 12 Dec 2020 by Peterb
Hi Lindsey, I've tried to cook the Walnut shortbreads, and as I am a beginner I follow the recipe to the letter. 110g of butter and 50g sugar doesnt go fluffy, then adding the flour makes a breadcrumb mixture. I added another 50g of butter which just about made a rollable mixture. Where did I go wrong, or has Delia made a mistake!!!!! I doubt it.
Peter Butterfield
Hello Peter,
It sounds like you need to beat the butter and sugar for longer for it to go light and fluffy, but as long as it’s very well combined it shouldn’t matter if it isn’t very fluffy.
After you’ve gradually added the flour and then the nuts you need to mix it with your hand – if you watch the cookery school – lesson 7 Biscuits you can look at the semolina shorthbread being brought together to form a smooth dough – you should find that by using your hand to bring the mixture together that the ingredients will bind. After that it’s important to chill the dough in a bag.
I hope that helps.
Kind regards
Lesson 7. Biscuits