Fish recipes

Fish is one of those ingredients you are either completely confident in using, or prefer to leave it to the professionals to cook. If you are in the latter category then this is the place... Read more start learing how to cook fish and to begin Delia has loads of helpful information on cooking with fish here with Delia's easy to follow recipes Our collection here includes recipes for mackerel, salmon, cod, plaice, trout and herring. You can also watch Delia's Cookery School video showing how to make Shallow Fried Fish

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Foil-baked Whole Fresh Salmon with Green Herb Mayonnaise
Parmesan-coated Fish with Walnut Romesco Sauce
Oven-baked Mackerel Stuffed with Pesto Mash
Potted Haddie with Capers
Smoked Haddock with Creme Fraiche, Chive and Butter Sauce
Smoked Haddock with Spinach and Chive Butter Sauce
Smoked Haddock Chowder with Poached Quails' Eggs
Spicy Marinated Fish with Pineapple Salsa
Barbecued Sardines with Summer Herb Sauce
Smoked Mackerel Pate with Ricotta and Capers
Foil-baked Salmon Served with English Parsley Sauce
Linguine with Sardines, Chilli and Capers
Trout with Butter, Creme Fraiche and Chives
Fried Plaice Fillets with a Herb and Polenta Crust
Arbroath Smokie Mousse
Salmon Coulibiac
Cheddar-crusted Smoked Haddock with Jersey Royals and Creme Fraiche Sauce
Herrings with Caper Stuffing
Fried Herring Fillets with a Lime Pepper Crust
Shallow Fried Fish
Souffled Sole Creams with Champagne Sauce and Salmon Caviar
Kipper Pate
Souffled Arbroath Smokie Creams (with Foaming Hollandaise)
Mixed Smoked Fish Kedgeree with a Creme Fraiche and Parsley Sauce
Smoked Salmon and Dill Tart
Baked Fish Fillets with Mushroom Stuffing
Fillets of Sole Véronique
Mackerel with Rhubarb Sauce
Marinated Trout with Tomatoes, Olives and Peppers
Kedgeree with Kippers
Smoked Fish Creams
Baked Smoked Haddock Creams with Lemon-dressed Leaves
Smoked Fish Risotto
Haddock Florentine
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Fish recipes
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