Delia's Mincemeat
Asked on 31 Oct 2016 by kah22
In addition to Delia's sweet mince recipe I've been looking at a number of similar recipes and of the ones I've come across so far only Delia seems to cook for a long period of time - three hours in fact! Of the ones that I've read: BBC Good Food, Mary Berry, and Ramsay they all seem to do very little cooking at the mince.
While I don't expect you to comment on other people's recipes is there a reason why Delia's cooks for three hours
As I brought up this question on The Delia Connection would you have any objection if I post your answer there
Hello Kevin,
During the long, slow, gentle cooking the flavours mingle, the fat melts and the apple cooks (which preserves it and stops it fermenting and means it keeps for years!).
Delia says that it has been so brilliant and that she never tasted anything else quite like it. Also as its been loved by millions, she hasn’t tried it any other way.
Best wishes